Posted by Tom Morris on February 2, 2022

I want to reach out to the artists and musicians that I’ve had the honor and pleasure of working with over the 40 years since Jim and I started Morrisound Recording. Those of you who have been working with me in the last few years are aware that I’ve been struggling with an inner ear condition called Meniere’s Disease. I have 2 different doctors that have been working to save my hearing in what’s becoming a losing battle, including the use of an experimental drug (that actually worked great for a while!). My hearing has degraded to the point that I can no longer predictably work for artists that depend on me to make the decisions that help to bring their creations to life. As a result, I will be changing my role at Morrisound. My passion for being a part of this process has not diminished in the least. Should some breakthrough occur that helps recover my hearing I will be back in the studio in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, that’s a very unlikely event at this point. As a result, I will be stepping away from the recording side of the studio effective immediately. One of my roles at Morrisound has always been managing the business. I’ll be spending more time behind an office desk now that I’ll be moving away from the recording desk.
There have been so many amazing people and projects I’ve had the joy to work with that I cannot list them here. The Gold and Platinum awards and Grammy nominations for some of the projects I’ve worked on have been causes for celebration along the way, but the real fuel for my passion has the been the trust so many artists have placed in me to join them in their musical journey and allow me to be an intimate part of that creation. For those that I’ve worked with, my hope is that I was able to contribute to that journey to make it not just a successful realization of your vision, but an experience that you have treasured the way I have.
I’ve been culling through photos that some of you have sent me over the years, like the ones here. I’d love to have more of them (and not just Facebook copies). I’d like to be able to put them all together somehow. If you have some that you don’t mind sending me I’d love to see them – [email protected].
Thanks for allowing me to ride along – Tom